Disabled Ramblers

Long Causeway, Derbyshire
Mastiles Lane, Malham Moor, Yorkshire Dales
Sourton Tor, Dartmoot
Old Street, Ridgeway
Birches Valley, Cannock Chase
2016-08-24 Long Causeway Ramble 036 Small
2014-06-06 Mastiles Lane Malham Moor
2014-09-16 13.15.18 Sourton Tor
2015-08-08 Ridgeway - Old Street 021
2015-08-08 Ridgeway -Old Street 035
AGM Birches Valley Devils Dumble 063
Henley on Thames CIMG4827
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Enjoying the Countryside 

The Disabled Ramblers is a small charity working across England and Wales to help make the countryside more accessible to people with limited mobility – which benefits everyone.

We campaign to raise awareness of the needs of people with limited mobility and organise a national programme of rambles for people who use mobility scooters.

Rambling On Wheels  
Let’s go Rambling 
Rambling in Safety

Video by Steve Wilson



For the removal of man-made barriers such as steps, stiles, narrow gates and narrow bridges.
We do not ask for tarmac everywhere.

We work with national bodies including: DEFRA, Natural England, Natural Resources Wales, MOD, Forestry England, National Trails, National Parks, National Landscapes (was AONB), British Standards Institute, National Trust, British Horse Society and the Ramblers. 

While we can offer advice, we don’t have the resources to help with individual cases.

Even if you can’t ramble with us, please join and help support our work. 

Complete our Contact Form for further information.

Members on TGA Supersport Mobility Scooters


We run 25 – 30 rambles each year, organised into groups of 3 or 4 in selected areas of the country. They are run from April to October, whatever the weather.

All our routes are checked well ahead, with a written Risk Assessment, and are graded from Category 1 to 3, according to difficulty.

Our rambles are supported by friends, family and volunteers. We have no paid staff so cannot offer transport to the rambles, nor can we offer personal care.  If you are an able-bodied walker and would like to join us on rambles, please get in touch.

Our rambles take place in diverse areas of England and Wales. Click our Calendar of Rambles for more details.

Our rambles are run over a variety of terrain which means that many rambles need the use of large mobility scooters such as the Tramper and the TGA Supersport but a few rambles can be done on ‘shopping scooters’ or sturdy, off-road capable, powerchairs.

If you have no suitable scooter of your own, we have four loan mobility scooters (Trampers) for hire – but only for use on our rambles by our members.  

Complete our Contact Form for further information.

Loan Scooter - Mk2c Tramper

Loan Scooter – Mk2C Tramper. Available to hire on some of our rambles


Many of our ramble routes can be found on OutdoorActive.com  This app allows you to download our routes to your smart phone to follow in the outdoors. You can sample routes on our Routes Page

Some Rambles

Tramper – Designed for Disabled Rambling