2012 Steamer Point

3 Replies to “2012 Steamer Point”

  1. Val Rawlings

    Loved this ramble, it was so atmospheric. Although I live in the area I had never been to Mudeford Quay before and found it fascinating with the fast running sea, lobster creels, starlings eating the left overs on the nets, and the fisherman catching what looked like dog fish near to us. It was great. Hampshire has such a diversity of scenery – we are so lucky. Thanks to all you DR-ers for coming and making it such fun.

  2. Jim & Dorothy Mills

    This was the first ramble we went on where the sea was so rough which we really enjoyed. The chance to see several wind surfers skimming over the waves was great & we’re sure the warm sea breeze did us a lot of good! It was good to see so many photos so thanks to the photographers as we do enjoy looking back over all the rambles we have attended, & those we didn’t. Thanks too to HR for identifying & organizing the Hants rambles which have proved so popular.

  3. Di Pettet

    What great photos, John. I hope everyone enjoyed attending this ramble as much as I enjoyed leading it. Great company, lovely views, and even the weather was obliging! The sunshine and rough seas made for good pictures. I look forward to seeing everyone again next year – and I hope to be well enough to attend more rambles than in 2012.

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