Disabled Ramblers Wiltshire Tour – Ramble 1907/Salisbury Plain – Tidworth Tracks & Byeways – Thursday 23rd May 2019
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After weeks of worrying we were so lucky to have perfect weather for this very scenic and lovely ramble over the many tracks, byeways and hills around the garrison town of Tidworth. We had 15 scooters booked but 1 cancellation due to a nasty cold that has been doing the rounds. This is a deceptive ramble with two or three very steep hills en route. We left the car park across a lovely level green sward but soon reached the first of the steep slopes on loose gravelly scree which lead to the trig point overlooking the barracks of Tidworth, with lovely views all round.
We then progressed across the hill towards the worst of the slopes, which when approaching it looks almost impossible, but once going up it’s not nearly so bad and all of the group managed it amazingly well, with no problem – so I needn’t have worried after all! We had a lovely lunch stop and you could take your choice – either have a fantastic view all over the valley or go into the lovely cool wood with plenty of shade, which was very welcome. When we did the reccy for this ramble this wood was completely overtaken by soldiers doing an exercise complete with gunfire, but today it was peaceful and tranquil.
On the way home we took a short cut down a track we had reccied, without incident, but today, unfortunately, the leader toppled off the middle verge into the deep trench at the side and had to be valiantly rescued by Pete and John B. No damage done either to the Tramper or rider, so all was well, only hurt pride – first time in 10 years that it’s happened, so not a bad record! Nobody else did the same trick I am pleased to say.
A super ramble, and great group – harder than any of us expected but we all managed excellently.
Val and Bob. (photos courtesy of Paula and Pete)