On 23rd October Terry ran a ramble into the depths of the old copper mine in Parys Mountain, Anglesey. His friend, Mal, tells us,
“It went pretty well. Met at the main car park about half ten and left there about 11. Terry, Phil, Barry and Dave along with Janet, Celia, (Terry’s wife) and Barry’s wife came along with myself, Will and Harry along as the able bodied to pick up the bits!
Weather was nice, there were no problems and we duly arrived back at the car park around half one so not a long ramble but an enjoyable one. Everyone reached the bottom of the big hole and made it out successfully. It was a little slippery on the descent however. Back at the car park much fun was had driving at speed through the numerous puddles to clean the wheels before loading up and heading home. Some heading to Phil’s first for tea and cakes!”