
To Contact Us, please send an email with full information about your request or questions to:

Or write to our Registered Address:

Disabled Ramblers Ltd, 7 Drury Lane, Hunsdon, Ware, Herts SG12 8NU

Company registered in England Number 05030316

Registered Charity Number 1103508


Membership is open to anyone with an interest in Access to the Countryside for All. You do not need to be disabled.

Membership runs from 1st January each year. Anyone joining after 1st October will have their membership automatically renewed free of charge for the following year. Membership for 2023 is £25.  

Attending rambles cost £8 per ramble for people using mobility scooters.
Walkers are free and very welcome.

Loan scooters (Trampers) are only available on our National rambles.  Transporting, maintaining and insuring these scooters involves a large annual cost, so we make a charge of £20 per day towards this cost, though more is always very welcome.

Private advertising on the News & For Sale Page costs £50 for up to two months. If you have been a member for over one year, then this is waived. Tramper sales are our speciality, often selling within 3 weeks.  

Sponsorship by commercial companies is very welcome.  We ask for £250 for 12 months for a link on our Links page.

LET’S GO RAMBLING a comprehensive insight into rambling with us

Please click here to read our Privacy Policy















Tramper – Designed for Disabled Rambling