Tramper Mk II Krystal Mobility Scooter Now Sold, Blairgowrie £3,250

Tramper Mk II Krystal Mobility Scooter Now Sold Blairgowrie

Mk 2 Krystal Tramper 4-wheel scooter in Grey and Silver.

Outstanding condition. Year of manufacture 2016. Serial number: 16X001581.

Two owners. In both cases very lightly used. Maintained.

Road-legal and DVLA registered.

Range: 48km/30 miles dependent on load, gradient, terrain and batteries (manufacturer’s figures).

Batteries hold full charge and have been kept topped up.

Regenerative electromagnetic brakes.

Mains charger.

Extras: rear lockable box; walking stick holder; flashing beacon; chrome-plated bulbar.                                            


Now Sold

Tramper – Designed for Disabled Rambling


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