
Our Guide to Man-made Barriers and Least Restrictive Access  PDF Document

The Disabled Ramblers works with many Government and other bodies (such as the National Trust) to improve access to the countryside for everyone.


While we cannot help in all individual cases, the links below might be useful.

To learn about Public Rights of Way and the Law, you might like to purchase “Rights Of Way: a guide to law and practice” commonly known as the ‘Blue Book’

The Open Spaces Society fights to protect Public Rights of Way, Village Greens, Commons and all Green & Open Spaces:   Open Spaces Society  


You can serve notice on the local Council to have obstructions removed
under Section 130A of the Highways Act. 
To do this you complete this Form

 High Court – Court of Appeal Judgement

This judgement seems to make it wrong in law to stop lawful use of a Right of Way in order to prevent illegal use. For example, perhaps, with Motorcycle Barriers.
Garland & Salaman v Secretary of State for Environment,  Food & Rural Affairs  

 Alternative Link to Judgement

At the end of the Judgement is this:
41.Mr Salaman’s second point was that in practice motorcycles use the route, notwithstanding that they are not entitled to do so, and that they are a menace to pedestrians. I have considerable sympathy with this complaint but the motorcycles are not lawfully there and their presence raises an issue of law enforcement. It is difficult to see how denying bicycles the right to use the route would stop motorcycles, unless the argument is that if bicycles are forbidden to use the track, there is less chance that motorcycles will do so. Even if that is true, however, it cannot possibly be justified to prevent bicycles from taking advantage of what would otherwise be a lawful use of the track in order to inhibit the unlawful use by motorcycles.


Outdoor Accessibility Guidance 

This is a 2023 update of ‘Countryside for All‘ which was produced by the ‘Fieldfare Trust’.  The charity ‘Paths for All’  have been given the copyright to ‘Countryside for All’ and together with ‘The Sensory Trust’ have produced this guide. 

By All Reasonable Means: Least Restrictive Access

Pittecroft Trust: Understanding the British Standard for Gaps Gates and Stiles
BS 5709:2018 gives detailed guidance on achieving Least Restrictive Access. 

Pittecroft Trust: Understanding the DEFRA Guidance

Pittecroft Trust: Ownership of Paths

Pittecroft Trust: The Equality Act & BS 5709

National Land Access Centre. A wide variety of gates and other ‘furniture’ or barriers have been installed at the National Land Access Centre, Aston Rowant.  To arrange a visit, contact:
Video of the gates being used (1 to 10 are Bridle Gates. & 11 to 20 are Pedestrian Gates):  National Land Access Centre on YouTube

The TWO-WAY, SELF-CLOSING GATE seems to be the easiest to use – if well maintained and if a simple Gap is unacceptable.

Centrewire supply a range of gates including two-way, self-closing. E.g. Aston 2-way-gate  

See one in use from a mobility scooter here: Two-Way, Self-Closing gate on YouTube
It uses the Easy Latch to enable single-handed use: Easy Latch

If Kissing Gates must be used, we recommend the Centrewire Woodstock Large Mobility which can be opened wide with the use of a RADAR key.
See one in use from a mobility scooter here: RADAR Kissing Gate Opening on YouTube 

DEFRA Guidance on Authorising Structures (gaps, gates & stiles) on Public Rights of Way

Inclusive Mobility a Government Document

Environment AgencyAccess for all design guide

Paths for All (AScottish Charity) has several resources including the following:
Lowland Path Construction Guide
The Path Manager’s Guide to Grading

British Horse Society

Sustrans Design Guide:

Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plans. Technical Guidance for local Authorities

Gov.UK: “Public rights of way: rights and responsibilities” 

Natural England“A Guide to Definitive Maps”

Natural England  Advice and links to keep you safe and ensure you get the best enjoyment possible from your visit.

DEFRA“Rights of Way Improvement Plans” 

Guide to Local Access Forums 

Open Spaces Society Links to Various Government Guidance

The Institute of Public Rights of Way Officers  The professional body which represents over 350 individuals who are involved in the management of public rights of way in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Cycle Infrastructure Design 

Mobility Scooters

Gov.UK gives the requirements for a scooter to be legal on pavements, roads and any public places: “Mobility scooters and powered wheelchairs: the rules” 

Gov.UK Section 20 states that an Invalid Carriage (scooter to us) is allowed on a Footpath: “Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970

Class 3 Scooter use on roads   Department of transport regulations regarding powered wheelchairs and scooters.



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Tramper – Designed for Disabled Rambling