2013 Filming at Stonehenge Regional Ramble

One Reply to “2013 Filming at Stonehenge Regional Ramble”

  1. Jim & Dorothy Mills

    When we set off we hadn’t realized what a wonderful day we were to enjoy. We were very fortunate to have such interesting guides, learn so much about Stonehenge & sample such breathtaking Wiltshire scenery. Val, you did a great job giving so much enjoyment to the group, yet always in the background, allowing the expert guides to use their experience & pass on a range of historical details of the site. Your very full report is very much appreciated & John’s photos were the cream on your cake!!
    The gathering of DRs in a local pub, where we had pleasant meal, rounded off the day & we look forward to returning next year for a proper ramble. By that time we may even be able to see the result of the film crew’s efforts on the English Heritage website!

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