2012 Photos

  • 2012 Sculpture Trail
2012 Hatfield Forest

Thursday 25th October 2012. Cat 2. The ramble in Hatfield Forest was a delight. Although the weather was cloudy and overcast for most of the day the lovely Autumn colours more than made up for it. A wide variety of trees, many of them hundreds of years old, formed the backdrop to broad, grassy lanes. The openness of this forest was a special joy and gave us the opportunity to be two abreast for much of the time to share the experience. The day was enhanced by Simon Cranmer, our guide, who gave a number of short, informative talks about the ecology, wildlife and rare breeds of sheep and cattle being reared in the forest. An extra bonus was the cafe that provided a variety of hot, home made food at lunchtime which was much appreciated by all. A most enjoyable day to round off our 2012 season. Tony D

2012 Steamer Point

Wednesday 17th October 2012. Category 2. 6 miles. A varied day from sea level to Highcliffe Castle.

2012 Autumn Colours

Tuesday 16th October 2012. Category 2+. 8.5 miles. Through Churchplace Inclosure at Ashchurch to see the magnificent autumn colours of the New Forest.

2012 Black Down

Friday 21st September 2012. Category 3. 6 miles. Once the home of Alfred, Lord Tennyson. At 919ft this is the highest point in the South Downs and gives good views over the Weald. Photos from Linda R and John B

2012 Devil\'s Punchbowl

Thursday 20th September 2012. Category 3. 7 miles. A massive natural amphitheatre, one of the wonders of Southern England.

2012 Pepperbox Hill

Tuesdy 18th September 2012. Category 3. 5 miles. The Pepperbox is a folly built in 1606 by Giles Eyre and provides a wonderful viewpoint of Salisbury Cathedral.

2012 Hengistbury Head

Monday 17th September 2012. Category 2. 5 miles. Through Hengistbury Head Nature Reserve and along Mudeford Spit to see the most expensive beach huts in England. Views of boats in Christchurch Harbour add to the interest.

2012 Cadman\'s Pool

Sunday 16th September 2012. Category 2. 7 miles. A circular ramble from Bolderwood through Slufters Inclosure to Cadman\'s pool. Dug in the 1960\'s just to improve the ambience of the place, the pool made a relaxing place for lunch.

2012 Totternhoe Knowls

Saturday 18th August 2012. Category 3. 6 miles. In the Chilterns near Dunstable lies a Maiden Bower. Photos from John B.

2012 Surrey Downs

Sunday 4th August. Category 3. 6 miles. Bridle and footpaths across heathland around Farley Heath and Winterfold Forest. Photos & comment by Veronica: We had weather much better than was forecast. Everyone had a lovley day out as we were taken to some of Robin\'s favourtie haunts.

2012 Whitewell

Thursday 19th July 2012. Category 3. 5 miles. In the Hodder Valley John Alpe runs a fascinating farm. We were treated to an Archaeology talk, Sheep Sheering and an factual insight into how John has been able to expand his farming business by embracing organic farming, school, college and Tramper visits and so much more. The weather was great (for the wettest July ever) and the scenery wonderful. Many thanks to Tarja and her team from Lancashire Countryside Services for arranging these visits - and the lunches! (Yorkshire take note ;-)

2012 Gisburn Forest

Wednesday 18th July 2012. Category 3. 6 miles. A mixture of forest and moorland in Lancashire\'s largest forest in a corner of the Forest of Bowland Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

2012 Settle Loop Challenge

Monday 16th July. Category 4. 8 miles. Dedicated to the memory of Steve Higgins. Climbing to 1,700ft, the Settle Loop follows rough and steep trails around Kirkby Fell.

2012 Cow Close Fell

Sunday 15th July. Category 3. 5 miles. From Dawsons Close, we followed a rough ancient route over moorland above Littondale.

2012 Malham Tarn

Saturday 14th July 2012. Category 3. 6 miles. Unusually, this lake is alkaline; one of only eight in Europe. This means that it is home to a different range of plants and wildlife from the norm. At 1,237ft, this is England\'s highest lake of any real size.

2012 Baldersdale

Wednesday 11th July 2012. Category 3. 8 miles. After a very wet hour getting ready, where the awning on one of the Motorhomes came in very handy, this turned out to be a lovely day around Hury and Blackton Reservoirs. Mostly on lanes but with some interesting sections on boggy grass!

2012 Hamsterley Forest

Tuesday 10th July 2012. Category 3. 7 miles. Hamsterley Forest, in Durham, was the result of a Job Creation Scheme in the 1930\'s for redundant miners and shipyard workers.

2012 Brown Clee

Monday 18th June 2012. Category 3. 5 miles. Shropshire\'s highest hill is well known for its collection of Air Traffic Control masts. Wonderful views into Wales to the west and the Midlands to the east.

2012 Burwarton Park

Sunday 17th June 2012. Category 3. 6 miles. A circular ramble around Lord Boyne\'s estate with lunch at Boyne Water high on the Clee Hills overlooking the Midlands.

2012 Delamere Forest

Friday 15th June. Category 3. 6 miles. A day of mixed weather; rain then showers - but with some sun too! An interesting start to the day for the six staying at the campsite nearby. The route to the ramble start took us through some stretches of deep mud with four of the party needing a pull on the rope to get through. All good fun!

2012 Moel Famau

Thursday 14th June 2012. Category 3. 8 miles. In the Clwydian hills at the north end of Offa\'s Dyke.

2012 Bidston Discovery

Tuesday 12th June 2012. Category 3. 5 miles. Around the parkland of the 17th century hall and observatory on a ridge overlooking the Wirral Peninsular.

2012 Wirral Coastal

Monday 11th June. Category 2. 6 miles. Along the old railway line from Wirral Countryside Park to Neston and back following the Dee Estury.

2012 New Fancy View to Speech House Lake

Thursday 24th May 2012. Category 2+. 6 miles. Forest of Dean. Another hot day. Lovely trees in the peaceful Speech House Arboretum. Probably the most idyllic lunch stop venue ever.

2012 Sculpture Trail

Wednesday 23 May 2012. Category 2+. 5 miles. Forest of Dean. A very hot day but the trees gave welcome shelter. A gentle day with time to reflect on the meaning of the sculptures.

2012 Cliveden

Thursday 29th March 2012. Category 2+. 6 miles. Following the AGM, this ramble took us high above the River Thames and around the grounds of the former home of Waldorf and Nancy Astor in the early 20th century. Cliveden was renowned for hosting exclusive parties and political gatherings, and later became infamously associated with the Profumo Affair.


Tramper – Designed for Disabled Rambling